Profile PictureMr Henriquez

Focus (English B2) - materials

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Focus (English B2) - materials


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These are lesson materials and worksheets I made for the Netflix documentary 'The Mind Explained: How to Focus' (S2E1). There are two articles available (one edited to B1 level and one at B1+ level), some activities using vocabulary from the article and the documentary, and PowerPoints for in-class collaboration and discussion.

Classes set up:
Part 1: students are introduced to the topic and read the article 'Focus is the New IQ'.
Part 2: students read the article 'Wired for Distractions' and practice speaking.
Part 3: students watch the documentary and practise taking Cornell Notes (a video with instructions is included)

The work is divided into 'Lessons', but not every lesson is a class. A lesson can take several classes to complete.

Note: at this point, there's no end assignment yet. I will update this accordingly as soon as I make one. My students had to write a summary and give their opinion.

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Three lessons with worksheets

Worksheets (in .docx)
Texts (in .docx)
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